Thursday, January 30, 2020

Hello Families,

Thank you so much for your generous donations!  I am so excited to buy some new books and art supplies needed for our class! I am so thankful to all of you wonderful parents!!!!

This Thursday,  Feb. 6, Courtney (Gigi's mom),  will be visiting our class to take pictures  for the yearbook,  She had the fantastic idea to have them write on a chalkboard what they would like to be when they grow up. If they would like to dress up as the part, they could do that too! (ie-If they want to be a firefighter they could wear a fire helmut, doctor- a lab coat, etc.)  

This week, we had so much fun learning about polar bears and penguins and how animals adapt to the cold areas.   We also did a science experiment on animal blubber.  Ask your child about what they learned about blubber.   

On Monday, we are celebrating  the 100th day of school.  The kiddos are so excited! We have fun centers planned to celebrate with the number 100!!!!  

word wall words: friend, from

Math:  Wow! I was so impressed with our CGI word problem this week!  Students are starting to understand so many ways to solve both addition and subtraction word problems.  Celebrate your child at home with how amazing their math knowledge is becoming with subtracting and adding!  Continue to practice mental math by sharing real world word problems to see if they can figure it out at home.  

 Valentine's project:

We need large grocery paper bags to decorate and collect our Valentines. Please send in, if you have any extras! Our Valentine Party will be on Friday, the 14th from 10:30-11:20. 


Feb. 10-No school

Feb. 17-No school

I hope everyone has a fantastic week!

Friday, January 24, 2020

Hello Families,

One more week of January and then February!  Time is sure flying by!

100th Day of School Project:   I thought it would be fun for our class to bring in a project for our 100th day of school coming up on Feb 3!  It is 100 of anything!  You can have a display or a container to share your 100 collection.  I saw some cute ones in the other classes.  One student did 100 stickers in groups of 10.  One student made the number 100 out of a hundred rocks.  One student had 100 beads.  One student built a Lego design with 100 Legos.  It's your choice of what you would like to share.  Bring it any at anytime this week or next so that we can start sharing our collections.

Science: We will continue our theme on Winter Animals  We will learn many facts about the different types of penguins that live in the Southern Hemisphere.  We will also talk about Polar Bears that live in the Northern Hemisphere. We will talk about how these animals adapt with the type of feathers and blubber to make them able to live in coldest areas of the world.

: This next week, we will be back to a full week with counting collections, math games in centers, learning to count on, etc.  Please continue to practice counting to 100 by 1's , 5's, and 10's.

word wall word for the week
: has, had

We have a few more celebrations coming up.  We have our 100 days of school on Feb. 3.  and Valentine's Day on Friday, Feb. 14. We also celebrate President's Day with no school on Feb. 10 and 17th.
Donations Needed:  I am wondering if anyone would like to donate the following items:

the thick pretzel sticks from Trader Joes (to make log cabins for Abe Lincoln)
Cotton balls for comparing Polar bears to grizzly bears
Crisco large tub (for our science experiment about animal blubber)
100 red cups (for 100 day celebration)

This year, some of you have donated Amazon cards and Target gift cards for me to buy things.  I also use my own money but it gets very expensive.  We love doing projects and don't want to give that up.  I really appreciate all the help and thank you all!!

Science Fair January 31
Morning Assembly  Wednesday Feb 5
No school on Feb. 10 and Feb. 17
Math Festival: February 6

Thank you all! Have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Jan. 21-25

Dear Families,

We had a great first week back from Winter Break!  We are ready to start 2020 off with a bang.  

There will be no school this Monday, Jan. 20 to observe Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  We read a couple of stories about this amazing man and had a discussion on how he wanted all people to be equal and be treated fairly.  We read a poem called "The Crayons that Talked".  It is about how each crayon is unique and when you put them all together it creates a beautiful picture.  I talked about us being that box of crayons and we all have different talents that come together to make a beautiful picture.

Chinese New Year : Next Friday, we will march through the classrooms to celebrate Chinese New Year.  If your child would like to bring in a "noisemaker" (ie tamborines, bongos, bells, maracas,etc.) they are welcome to bring in on Friday. It should be lots of fun!

Language Arts:
 Our new theme is winter animals!  We already introduced owls and penguins and will talk about how winter animals adapt to their environment during the winter months by hibernating, growing more fur, storing food, etc.  This week and next, we will have center activities focusing on  owls. and penguins.

In the next few weeks, we have a few holidays/occasions to celebrate.  We celebrate Chinese New Year, Groundhog Day,  100th day of school, Valentine's Day, and President's Day.  This makes these next few months go quickly!

Word wall words: this, that

Math:  We will continue to work on number bonds and practice word problems as well as addition to 10.
Please continue to practice counting to 100 , and counting by 5's,and  10's.

Math Festival coming up on February 6th!!!! We need parent volunteers.  
We need 2 volunteers for both sessions:
First Session: 7:55-10:35
Second Session 11:35-2:10
Volunteers will be assisting with classes, grade K-6th, as they filter through the MPR to explore math activities and games.  
You do not need to teach any math or know the skills, you will be more of a facilitator at a center- cleaning up materials  between each class, helping younger students read the directions, etc.
If you are interested and can commit to one of the sessions, please email (our academic coordinator).  We definite need volunteers for this to run smoothly.

Classroom Needs/Donations:

red lunch or dinner size plates
white paper plates
paper grocery bags (need 25)
Paper towels
Clean-up wipes
Crayola twistable crayons
Fruit loops/necklace string (for 100 day project)
Individual boxes of conversation Valentine hearts(for math activities)
Trader Joes's brand whole wheat pretzels (for Abe Lincoln log cabin)

No school this Monday- Jan.20
No school Monday Feb. 10
No school Monday Feb. 17
Math Festival Tuesday, Feb. 6

Have a great week!